Friday, March 26, 2010

pregnant signs

You feel sick and missed my period after a few months to get married? Maybe you think that the nausea are signs of pregnancy? Before you convict yourself pregnant or not, the signs of pregnancy must be recognized and understood.

The signs of pregnancy are divided into 2 symptoms is not certain pregnancy symptoms and symptoms of pregnancy for sure.

Symptoms of Pregnancy Not Sure:

* Not all periods are the first symptoms felt by a woman who realized that she was pregnant. It is important to note the date of the first day of last period to determine the estimated gestational age and birth date. Simple formula to determine the date of birth and the date plus 7 minus 3 months, calculated from the first date of the last menstruation.
* Nausea followed by vomiting or not often happen in the first month of pregnancy.
* Cravings or want something good that food, beverages or anything else.
* Bowel disorders due to hormonal influences.
* Frequent urination, especially when the pregnancy is large.
* Sometimes a pregnant woman can pass out in the crowd, especially in the early months of pregnancy.
* There is no appetite, maybe something to do with nausea.

Signs Symptoms of Pregnancy Not Sure:

* Change the color of skin become darker than previously thought about going over the 12 weeks of pregnancy.
* Keputihan or excessive discharge from the vagina due to hormonal influences.
* Change your breasts become more tense and enlarged.
* Swollen gums mainly in the first month of pregnancy.
* Enlargement of the abdomen especially apparent after 14 weeks of pregnancy.
* Pregnancy tests give positive results.

Sure sign of pregnancy:

* At the touch feeling in the stomach of the fetus and fetal motion.
* When using a Doppler tuned it will sound the fetal heartbeat.
* The visits ultrasound fetal images.
* The X-ray examination of the fetus looks picture framework.

Symptoms of uncertainty should watch out if you do not want any pregnant verdict. For those who've felt signs of pregnancy must, as stated above, I say Congratulations! That have not patience and keep praying:)

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